Showing 49 - 51 of 51 results
Top offer
27,000 $
two land for sale
1 year ago
Je vends deux terrains. l'une est un coin (deux routes passent des deux côtés). Le prix est à débattre. Waxaan iibinayaa laba huées oo dhul ah. kow waa gees (laba waddo ayaa labada dhinac u gudubta) qiimuhu waa ka heeshin.
Maroodi Jeex, SL/
1 year ago/
3154282 hits
Maroodi Jeex, SL
27,000 $
Hamze hassan
How to sell on for free
4 years ago
Press SELL .button Choose a proper category, location of your item, upload your photos and write a clear title and full description of your item. Enter a fair price, add more detail and click PUBLISH ITEM Direct link
Hargeisa, SL/
4 years ago/
3154283 hits
Hargeisa, SL
Riqiis Classifieds
How to buy on
4 years ago
Search for the item. Find what you need using search panel and filters. choose exactly what you are looking for. and navigate through our website , there is daily Trends. Baadh shayga aad raadinayso, adigoo Search-ga dhexdiisa ku qoraya, sida Gaadhi, Guri, furniture etc, Kiro ama iib, new ama Second Hand. Team Riqiis.c...
Hargeisa, SL/
4 years ago/
3154283 hits
Hargeisa, SL
Riqiis Classifieds
250 $
Guri Kiro Oo qiima jaban xera awr 250$ monthly
4 years ago
soodhawaada waxaaan Idiin Haynaa guri KirO ah Wuxuu Ku Yaala Xera Awur Waa 5qol Oo biyihiina le Qiimaha 250$ Nagala Soo Xidhiidh 0634651077
Hargeisa, SL/
4 years ago/
615 hits
Hargeisa, SL
250 $
500 $
Guri Kiro kuyaal meel fiican House for rent 500$
4 years ago
soodhawaada waxaan idiin haynaa Guri KirO ah waa: 7qol biyo_le_Dayir_Wayinle Wuxuu Ku Yaala Saldhiga Koodbuur Agtiisa Wuxuu Kusoo Jeedaa Wadada Wayin Ee Xera Awur Waa Guri wayin Oo Xataa Hotel Noqon kara qiimaha_500$ Nagalasoo Xidhiidh Num: 0633273277 // 0654651077
Hargeisa, SL/
4 years ago/
254 hits
Hargeisa, SL
500 $
200 $
Guri kiro ah Magaalada hargaysa oh Qiima ficaan
4 years ago
GURI KIRO AH Nooca: Guri kiro ah Magaalada: Hargeisa Degmada: 31 May Xaafada: Gandahaar Goobta: kasoo horjeedka saldhiga degmada 31 May Qolalka: fadhi iyo cunto isku furan, afar qol oo hurdo ah, kitchen, seddex suuli iyo dayr dhowr gaadhi geli karaan. Qiimaha: $200 Wixii faahfaahina nagala soo xidhiidh Telesom Somtel
Hargeisa, SL/
4 years ago/
1080 hits
Hargeisa, SL
200 $