Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results
WORLD BEST SPIRITUAL HEALER wwwmambaspellscom LOVE SPELLS 27746362673
2 years ago
#I'm a gifted African Love spell caster, Traditional healer with Spiritual Powers who can help you for most of Relationship and Family problems. such as bringing back lost love and other problems. I do work with the help and guidance of ancestors . I am specialized in various forms of tradition, psychic and spiritual h...
Mogadishu, SO/
2 years ago/
534 hits
Mogadishu, SO
Dahab Shir
10 $
Course English iyo Kiswahili
3 years ago
Bisharo! Bisharo! Ma rabtay inaad u socdaasho Wadamada laisku dhoho Afrikada Bari. Waxaa kuu heynaa koorsooyin kaa cawinaayo Barashada Kiwahiliga iyo English oo ah Luuqadaha Badnaa looga hadlo. Fadlan nagu soo biir maanta oo hel 3 Maalmood oo tijaabo ah.
Mogadishu, SO/
3 years ago/
398 hits
Mogadishu, SO
10 $
Ahmed Bishar Abdinoor
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