Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results
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How to sell on for free
4 years ago
Press SELL .button Choose a proper category, location of your item, upload your photos and write a clear title and full description of your item. Enter a fair price, add more detail and click PUBLISH ITEM Direct link
Hargeisa, SL/
4 years ago/
3008935 hits
Hargeisa, SL
Riqiis Classifieds
70 $
Mobeel iiba
1 year ago
Mobeel aad u fiican oo la isticmaaley 4 bilood
1 year ago/
3008935 hits
70 $
27,000 $
two land for sale
1 year ago
Je vends deux terrains. l'une est un coin (deux routes passent des deux côtés). Le prix est à débattre. Waxaan iibinayaa laba huées oo dhul ah. kow waa gees (laba waddo ayaa labada dhinac u gudubta) qiimuhu waa ka heeshin.
Maroodi Jeex, SL/
1 year ago/
3008935 hits
Maroodi Jeex, SL
27,000 $
Hamze hassan
450 $
Showroom kiro ah Boorama Sheekh Cali Jawhar
3 years ago
Waxaan dadweynaha ugu baaqayaa in la kiraynayo showroom cabbirkiisa yahay 18x9 meters oo kuyaala fooqa Nasiimo Residence ee ku ag yaala madarasada jaabo jaabo. Waa dhismaha casriga oo marmar quruxbadan iyo albaab muraayad ah leh. Waa showroom cusub oo aan weli si rasmi ah loo galin.
Borama, SL/
3 years ago/
609 hits
Borama, SL
450 $
Abdoulshakour Nour
500 $
Beautiful showroom space that is 9mx20m for rent
3 years ago
Beautiful showroom space that is 9mx20m, with gorgeous tiles available for rent. Rent us negotiable and suitable for any showroom function such as furniture, Suppermarket, painting press or office space. Location is in the heart of the city of Borama and hugs a major paved road.
Borama, SL/
3 years ago/
523 hits
Borama, SL
500 $
Abdoulshakour Nour
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